You may have heard that it gets harder and harder to learn new languages as you get older, and it's true that children have an easier time picking up a second or third language than an adult with a fully developed brain -- but that doesn't mean that learning a new language as an adult is impossible.
In fact, with new advancements in technology that make learning languages much easier than it was even a decade ago, if you're trying to pick up a new language for your business needs, you can be speaking with relative fluidity in no time.
Rachel Hopkins
- When you own a business and rely on others to manage various functions of that business, you need those managers to be effective and motivated. It's often smart to promote someone from a smaller role in the company into a manager position since they already know the ins and outs of how your business operates. However, new managers sometimes struggle with the job in the beginning because overseeing people and important business functions is new to them.
- Daycare used to just be a place you put your children in because you couldn't be home to care for them. Now it's expanded to include everything from educational programs in which the children learn more about certain subjects to play-based daycares, which follow a more traditional format where children choose what to do (within a certain range of activities). Older children have the ability to discuss what they might prefer to do, but younger children have a more limited ability, and you have to choose for them.
- Getting children to eat healthy foods can be a challenge. Millions of parents have battled with their children over making healthier choices for fruits, vegetables, and trying all types of new foods. While the struggle may be hard at home, it can be easier somewhere else. If you plan on sending your son or daughter to a child care center, then there are a number of ways you can implement new foods and really expanding their palette.
- The hours between when school lets out and parents get home is a risky time for kids who stay at their house alone. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about that since quality after school programs are available to fill in the gap. In fact, most kids even look forward to this time after school since they know that it gives them another opportunity to play with their friends. Since knowing that your child is in a quality program allows you to relax and get to work, look for these signs of a program that will use this time to promote your child's development: